Dos dias 10 a 13 irá rolar o Pro Tour Paris !
Será realizado Paris[Avá], França.
Day 1: Standard
Day 2: Scars of Mirrodin / Mirrodin Besieged Booster Draft
Top 8: Standard
Aonde tambem vai acontecer a disputa do POY de 2010 (mais informações aqui)
E para quem não tiver a vaga e quiser curtir a viagem, vai ter um GP Paris, nos dias 12 e 13.
Day 1: Scars of Mirrodin Block Sealed Deck / Booster Draft
Day 2: Scars of Mirrodin / Mirrodin Besieged Booster Draft
Top 8: Scars of Mirrodin / Mirrodin Besieged Booster Draft
Bruno Schepers Melo
4 comentários:
Awesome post. Do you mind if I ask what your source is for this information?
Friend, the information is taken from sites:
ligamagic , wizards e letscollect
The link to the sites are the source of the post.
Hope this helps,
Bruno Schepers
Equipe MagicAndMetal
Hi there,
This is a question for the webmaster/admin here at
May I use part of the information from this blog post above if I provide a backlink back to this site?
James Thanks for visiting the site,
We are proud to provide information on the Magic players and collectors,
You can use all the topics of the site, just like a return to where it is posted.
Bruno Schepers
Owner MagicAndMetal
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